Web Development Services

Zee Marketing has been crafting cutting-edge web solutions for more than a decade. We provide extensive web development solutions leveraging the latest technological advancements. Our skilled developers excel in handling diverse project categories, from user-centric web applications to internal administrative platforms and advanced e-commerce stores featuring augmented reality functionalities. Our distinct emphasis lies in delivering top-notch applications through a transparent and streamlined development approach.

What are web development services?

Web development spans a broad spectrum of offerings, comprising the creation of websites or web applications, cybersecurity measures, UX/UI design, eCommerce solutions, website frameworks, QA testing, upkeep, advisory services, and tailored content management systems (CMS).

Achieve your business goals with web development solutions

Our battle-tested developers specialize in a wide range of web development services. Here are some of the solutions that we can deliver for you.


A well-designed website is a powerful marketing and communication tool that helps build trust and generate leads.


With eCommerce solutions, businesses can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach customers in any time zone.

Web Applications

Web applications can reach a global audience. They're interactive and engaging, so can easily hold users' attention.


A dedicated CMS designed to the specific needs of your business will save time and money by optimizing internal workflows.

Stand out digitally with a top-tier web development firm

At Zee Marketing, we provide all the web development services necessary to create a comprehensive online product, including:

  • Website Development
  • Web Application Development
  • eCommerce Solutions Development
  • Dedicated Content Management System Development
  • No-code Development & Low-code Development
  • Ideation – Market Research – Wireframing – Prototyping
  • Project Management – UI Design – UX Design – Coding – QA Testing
  • Cybersecurity – Consulting – Publishing – Maintenance – Support

Zee Marketing Web Development Workflow

Our web app development service follows a carefully planned process tailored to the project’s scope. Utilizing our agile methodology, we prioritize each phase based on its impact, ensuring the creation of a robust product for your business.

What Is WordPress?

Zee Marketing With the Most Popular Content Management System

WordPress is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) used for building and managing websites. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and publishing content, making it accessible for individuals and businesses to create professional-looking websites without advanced technical knowledge.

  • Use the software for free.
  • Extend or modify the WordPress code however needed.
  • Use the code for commercial purposes without licensing fees.

So, what is WordPress exactly and what is WordPress used for today?

WordPress is an open-source software and content management system (CMS) that powers:

  • Websites
  • Enterprise websites
  • Blogs
  • Applications
  • Complex portals
  • Anything you can imagine

In WordPress, themes determine the appearance of your website, while plugins enhance its functionality, like integrating a contact form or optimizing for search engines (SEO). Typically, a WordPress designer concentrates on branding and visuals, whereas a WordPress developer handles the technical aspects.

A WordPress website offers limitless possibilities, but realizing your vision requires a skilled team proficient in WordPress design and development.

Benefits of WordPress Web Design for Your Business

Become Easily Found Online With a Site Optimized for Search

WordPress web design is beneficial for businesses by enhancing online visibility, creating attractive designs, optimizing navigation for a better user experience, and making development easy, even for non-experts.

Moreover, WordPress provides a wide range of customizable themes and templates that allow you to create eye-catching designs. This is essential for making a strong first impression and engaging visitors effectively. Whether you’re showcasing products, services, or information, WordPress offers flexibility in design to suit your branding needs.


Employing our scrum methodologies, we navigate the development path by prioritizing each section of the website according to the project's scope.


During this phase, we meticulously designed a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing user interface.


Our team of web developers then translates the design into a fully functional web app using the latest technology stack.


Thorough testing is conducted to identify and rectify any bugs, ensuring the seamless functionality of your website.


With everything in order, your website is poised to make its debut on web browsers, reaching its intended audience.


We offer continuous support and updates to keep your app current and responsive to evolving needs.